Parking Permits are now in effect for these streets.
Residential Permit Parking Program
Over the past several years, overflow parking from commercial businesses along Piedmont Road has negatively impacted many streets within our neighborhood. Residents found it increasingly difficult to find on-street parking, and the additional traffic in the neighborhood raised many safety concerns and negatively impacted the quality of life of residents. Therefore, in 2018, a committee of Peachtree Park residents worked closely with Councilman Howard Shook to implement a residential parking permit program for a select group of streets within Peachtree Park neighborhood. All neighborhood streets to the north of East Paces Ferry were invited to join in the initiative, with Park Circle, Highland Dr, and the portion of Martina Dr between Piedmont Rd and Park Circle ultimately choosing to participate in the program.
The parking permit program restricts parking on Park Circle, Highland Dr, and upper Martina Dr between the hours of 10:00 PM – 6:00 AM every day. Only residents and their guests may park on these streets during these hours, and residents of these streets must have a decal issued by the City of Atlanta displayed on any vehicles parked on the street during the restricted hours. Decals are $20 per vehicle and are issued on an annual basis. Twenty-four-hour guest passes and 15-day visitor passes are allowed, but the passes must display the resident’s address and the decal number issued to the house. The impacted areas are clearly marked with traffic signs indicating the restricted parking hours.
If you live on Park Circle, Highland Dr, or upper Martina Dr you will need to apply for a parking permit.
City of Atlanta residential permit process
Apply for a City of Atlanta-issued permit on the newly created online portal: . The permitting process is controlled by the City of Atlanta.
The permit fee is $20.00 per year, and is made through the online portal above.
Windshield decals are no longer issued nor are they necessary. Parking enforcement will check the vehicle’s information against a database. Those who had decals before must use the online portal above for renewal. You may no longer mail in your application or your payment.
Full – term permits are valid for one year and must be renewed on an annual basis.
The address provided on the application must be an address within a Residential Parking Permit area.
A residential Parking Permit does not authorize parking or standing a vehicle in an area where parking is prohibited.
The City Code prohibits more than two permits per single family address and one permit per unit of multi-family addresses.
Furnishing false information to obtain a Residential Parking Permit or using such permit in a fraudulent or unlawful manner is punishable by a $1,000 fine or 60 days in jail. For more information about the Residential Parking Permit Program, please contact the Department of Transportation at (404)330.6501.
Guest and Visitor Passes
Once you receive your permits, please email and a guest (24-hour) and visitor (15-day) pass will be issued.
Unlike may other neighborhoods, Peachtree Park is exempt from city control of visitor passes and is empowered to issue our own passes.
As a reminder, all of our streets are city streets, and as such, they are subject to city laws and ordinances. On occasion, officers may patrol through the neighborhood and write tickets for vehicles that are parked in the wrong direction, too close to stop signs, or in violation of any other rule. Please be mindful of where and how you are parking.