Residences with architectural and historical significance
Approximately 550 homes in Peachtree Park line 13 streets in Buckhead near Lenox Square. Quiet, tree-lined byways attract walkers, joggers and bicyclists. Landscaped traffic islands flash color in neighborhood intersections. Our community has become an in-town haven for long-time residents and newcomers alike!

More than just your typical neighborhood.
Peachtree Park is more than just a neighborhood – it's a network of 13 quiet streets that attracts dog walkers, joggers, cyclists and families with strollers. We have numerous amenities that keep residents actively engaged with one another.
Pocket Park
Peachtree Park residents enjoy the convenience of community parks and playgrounds, including the Peachtree Park neighborhood Pocket Park Playground located on East Paces Ferry Road.
Community Garden
Our community gardens brings positive activity to the neighborhood. It provides a forum for neighbors to join together and forge strong community bonds.
Peachtree Park Nature Trail
Donated by a builder when Darlington Commons was under construction, the Peachtree Park Nature Trail is a one-acre walking/nature trail between the end of Burke Road and Darlington Circle at Darlington Commons Court.
Bynum Bridge Park
A 223-foot-long pedestrian bridge over GA 400 that connects Peachtree Park with Lenox Square Mall and Shops Around Lenox - an open-air collection of leading contemporary brands, independent boutiques and artisan restaurants.
Enhancing community spirit and building neighborhood unity.
Peachtree Park hosts numerous activities and events throughout the year
to keep neighbors actively engaged.
Peachtree Park 5K Race
Peachtree Park holds its own 5K race each year to raise funds for the PPCA (Peachtree Park Civic Association). It's a great chance to enjoy the rolling streets of the neighborhood with friends and neighbors.
Lenox Square
Since 1959, Lenox Square® has been the premier shopping destination for fashionistas throughout the Southeast. Located in the heart of Buckhead, Lenox Square offers an unparalleled shopping experience.
Street Play
Street Play is an organized playgroup for Peachtree Park children (and their parents!). Seasonal special events are planned throughout the year and held in the neighborhood.
Women's Club
Peachtree Park Women’s Club is a social organization open to all women living in the Peachtree Park neighborhood.
Friends of Peachtree Park
Friends of Peachtree Park is a charitable organization that promotes and enhances the green spaces of Peachtree Park.
Living it up in Peachtree Park.
We believe a true community shouldn't be gated or fenced in – it should seamlessly meld into its surroundings. That's why Peachtree Park is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in Buckhead.

Peachtree Park was developed in three stages, the first being the Peachtree Highlands neighborhood, platted in 1915, which encompasses Arc Way, Highland Drive, Martina Drive and Park Circle. The first house built in Peachtree Park stood at 701 Martina Drive. It was built as a summer house and consisted of one room and a screened porch. Sadly, it was neglected and torn down for the current house standing at that address. The next two oldest houses in the neighborhood are 14 Highland Drive and 10 Arc Way, both built in 1920.
The neighborhood was originally platted for company housing for railroad workers who worked at a railroad switching station at what is now East Paces Ferry and Lenox Road. What makes this section of the neighborhood distinctive is its curvilinear streets. The street formation is in sharp contrast to the rectangular lots found in most neighborhoods of the era, such as those in Midtown. It is because of the street configuration of this section, and the fact that it was built for working class residents, this section has been designated a National Historic Landmark.
The next phase of the neighborhood is East Paces Ferry, Peachtree Drive, Greenview Avenue and Dale Drive up to the curve. These homes were built between 1940 and 1950, and were larger and more substantially built than Peachtree Highlands. While Peachtree Highlands was known as a Trolley neighborhood because of the proximity of the Peachtree Trolley, the newer part of Peachtree Park was built with garages to assuage the gusto for the growing automobile culture. Haas and Dodd, the developers of this part of our neighborhood even fancied two story houses, which can be found at the Piedmont end of Peachtree Drive, but they soon discovered that people didn’t like the heat of the second floor during the summer months, so the developers went back to one story homes.
Peachtree Park residents enjoy the convenience of community parks and playgrounds, including the Peachtree Park neighborhood Pocket Park Playground located on East Paces Ferry Road. Once an empty lot, a group of neighborhood parents negotiated the lease of the land from a local businessman in order to create a playground for neighborhood children. Today you will find a fenced-in play area for children as well as a place for parents and children to get together. Neighborhood Street Play is frequently held at the Pocket Park, as well as our annual Ice Cream Social and Halloween Pizza Party.
The park is maintained by the Peachtree Park Civic Association. Please contact our landscaping chair with any concerns.